When you seek out addiction therapy for yourself or a loved one, you will hear many terms you may not be familiar with. One area that has many options is that of therapy. Most addiction recovery programs combine individual therapy with a group therapy program. This is very often the case at Viewpoint Dual Recovery Center. We feel that each type of counseling’s individual benefits help ensure that a person gets the best treatment possible. While we know how individual therapy can help, what are the benefits of group therapy? Let’s take a look.
Greater Support
One of the hardest parts of going through recovery is feeling alone. Group therapy allows you to see that there are others who are experiencing the same thoughts and feelings. You aren’t alone. Maybe the details vary, but the journey is the same. This support can be one of the greatest benefits of group therapy. Together people have greater strength than they do alone. You can find validation and give the same. New thoughts, approaches to situations, and ways of coping can all be found in others’ experiences. Many times, simply knowing you aren’t alone in this battle gives you the strength to continue forward.
Improves Communication Skills
Learning effective communication is essential for good relationships. By participating in group therapy, you have the opportunity to role-play when needed, but you also learn to master the give and take of normal conversation. More importantly, one of the benefits of group therapy is learning how to open up and share. It is impossible to truly communicate without this ability. Anger management can also be an issue that is helped with group therapy. Another benefit of a good group therapy program is the ability to help you develop empathy. Addiction therapy is often focused on what you can achieve, but a benefit of group therapy is the chance to see how everything you do affects others. It also teaches you to see how different people deal with things differently, and that is okay.
Ongoing Connections
In many instances, lifelong friendships can be forged in a group therapy group. When people bare their hearts and souls without fear of being judged, a connection occurs. When others know and understand what your journey has been like and face the same hardships, doubts, and fears of an unknown future, it helps strengthen that bond. You begin to find other things you have in common, you find a ready ear when you need to talk, and you know how to help when the other person needs advice. There is nobody better to call when the past starts calling, and it will from time to time than someone who knows that you need more than a hurriedly said: “don’t listen.” You need someone to stay with you and help you fight that craving.
Added Benefit of Group Therapy
In some cases, you may not be able to afford one on one counseling. Group counseling can offer you a less expensive option for addiction therapy.
Seeking Help at Viewpoint Dual Recovery Center
Making the important decision to get help for an addiction is one of the most important ones you have ever made. Now that you know the benefits of group therapy, you have a chance of making this decision feel less stressful. Reach out to us here at Viewpoint Dual Recovery Center. Call our treatment team at 855.746.3633 and talk to someone about what kind of therapy we have available and how we can help you embark on your recovery journey in the best way possible. We want to be part of your journey.