Looking for a cocaine addiction program can be a daunting task. When you or a loved one has made the decision to seek help, you want to make sure the program is one that will help you improve your quality of life and give you the tools you need to manage your addiction. If there is also a mental health diagnosis involved, finding the right program gets even more complicated. A dual diagnosis eliminates many cocaine addiction treatment programs because the majority only deal with the addiction side. With dual diagnosis, it is essential that both addiction and mental health are treated because they intertwine in a dance that is nearly impossible to stop if only one part of it receives attention. Getting help from Viewpoint Dual Recovery Center may be the perfect solution.
What is Dual Diagnosis?
Dual diagnosis is the term given to someone who has both an addiction to drugs or alcohol and a mental health disorder. Often the two conditions feed on each other, making it difficult for an ordinary cocaine addiction program or strictly mental health program to be fully effective. If both conditions aren’t treated, the cycle may continue endlessly. What often happens is that a person experiences a mental health problem and seeks out a way to manage the symptoms without outside help. Sometimes they don’t even realize that what they are experiencing is a mental health issue. If self-medication involves drugs, eventually dependency on the substance occurs. Now the individual must deal with additional problems associated with drug use. If the individual seeks an Arizona cocaine addiction rehab, they are still left with the underlying mental health condition. Without addressing this, they still don’t have the coping skills necessary to productively deal with symptoms and may return to familiar habits of drug use.
Our Programs
Our cocaine addiction program is designed to work with our other programs to give clients the best treatment for both conditions. We offer programs designed to meet various needs including:
- Men’s rehab programs and women’s rehab programs
- Partial hospitalization program
- Intensive outpatient treatment
- Medication-assisted treatment program
- Sober living homes
- Alumni program
We also treat other addictions in addition to our cocaine addiction program. We understand that each person requires a different treatment because we all face things differently. Our programs like yoga, art, and equine therapy help address the healing of the mind as well as the body. We like to think we are healing the whole person, and not merely the issues.
Conditions We Treat
The types of mental health disorders that we treat are many. Often a person with dual diagnosis will find themselves with more than one underlying mental health disorder. Most often it is depression, bipolar disorder, or an anxiety disorder that has set the cycle in motion. We treat these conditions as well as:
- Schizophrenia
- Borderline personality disorder
- Schizoaffective disorder
This is only a sampling of the conditions we work with. If you are looking for a program that has psychologists right on the premises, you need to look no further. Finding an Arizona cocaine addiction rehab shouldn’t have to be difficult, especially when you have a dual diagnosis. It is our goal to help make your search and recovery easier in any way possible.
Let Viewpoint Dual Recovery Program Help
If you are seeking an Arizona cocaine addiction treatment program and also believe you have a dual diagnosis, Viewpoint Dual Recovery Center may be the perfect cocaine addiction program for you. Our variety of programs help us design a program that is best suited for your needs, wherever you are on your journey. Contact us today at 855.746.3633 and see how we can help you or your loved one realize a life full of promise.