Clozapine is the only antipsychotic medication in schizophrenia that has been proven to decrease suicide rates and overall mortality for individuals with schizophrenia. This life-saving treatment is considered the “gold standard” in treating psychotic spectrum disorders such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar I, and mood disorders with psychotic features. New research also shows clozapine medication to be effective at treating cannabis-induced psychosis, substance use disorders, anosognosia, poor motivation and other negative symptoms of schizophrenia. This unique treatment is proven to be more effective than any other antipsychotic, without causing debilitating movement disorders. Sadly, this important medication is wrongly underutilized in the U.S. At Viewpoint Dual Recovery our medical providers are certified clozapine prescribers with the most current training and experience.
We believe full and meaningful recovery is possible. At Viewpoint Dual Recovery our goal is to help clients return to their pre-illness baseline level of function, health and well-being based on methods developed by Dr. Robert Laitman and outlined in his book, Meaningful Recovery from Schizophrenia and Serious Mental Illness with Clozapine: Hope & Help. This approach is based on treating both the mind and the body with the best science and evidence available. The medical approach to clozapine at Viewpoint Dual Recovery Center involves optimizing the regimen with adjunctive medications to improve the effectiveness and reduce side effects. Additional schizophrenia medications such as metformin, lamotrigine, fluvoxamine, Linzess®, and others are often used in conjunction with clozapine and tailored to each client’s needs. This is all done on a foundation built on exercise, nutrition, attention to hygiene, and developing important living and social skills.